Monday, September 8, 2008


hm... for my first post, what should i blog? Maybe some personal thoughts.

now... while everyone is submitting their first post on their blogs for our digital media across asia module "project"... i ask myself a very simple question, what am i doing this for?

the reason why i asked myself this question is simply because i already own a personal blog address which i have been blogging for the past 3 years. At the same time, i don't feel the impetues to submit my personal blog add for this purpose as i felt the objective of the blogging of my personal blog add and the objective of this blog are entirely different. and as such, catering to different audience. (at least that's what i learnt in marketing ;) )

then it leads me to my next question.
why do we blog?

there are various reasons as to why people blog; some people blog to share their daily experiences, companies blog to enhance communication as well as for marketing purposes, and some enthuasist blog to share the best food around.

but primarily, the reasons as to why people blog can primarily be broken down and categorized into two direct and simple reasons.

1. to garner attention. (notice garner sounds more positivie as compared to using the word "gain")
2. to transmit/pass on opinions and ideals.

i recall to the moment when i first started blogging on my personal blog. that was pretty much three and a half years ago. then, i was just out of a relationship with an ex girlfriend of mine and i wrote her a song to express my emotions back then. And then, it was the moment, the moment i thought i need to tell the entire world how i feel.

and yes you guessed it correctly, i found myself at the sign-up page of ;)

oh ya! at this point of time i'm very tempted to name a very popular blogger in our local scene !
xiaxue blogspot.

i like her. ;)

she is one who best epitomizes our first reason for blogging! isn't it?

hey dun get me wrong hehz, i like her alright!

company blogs, food blogs, media blogs and maybe even politics blogs... how about them? yea, they would be the happiest bloggers on earth if you think what they think and believe what they believe. (hey isnt that what i'm exactly doing to you right now!?)

Mr brown, rockson blogspot. rings a bell? another 2 famous local bloggers.
rockson's humour, crude but rockx.

At this point of time, however, if you are now fully convinced that these are the two primary reasons as to why people blog...

you are wrong.

there's actually a third reason.

but i shan't tell you what it is.

only people in my digital media class will know about it...

and because of it, we are all now working real hard, blogging to you... ;)

with luv, rance.


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